Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The little chicken contest

I must apologize, I am running a little late on getting this posted.  I will have to add tags to entries for the next contest, as I have been having trouble making sure I got all of the correct entries!

Anyhow, this is the little chicken we were guessing about the sex and color of.  So far, is looks like a little boy.  Interesting things about that, we won't see the color until the saddle and hackle develop in another month.  So we will be right on target for the second prize deadline of the Labor Day weekend!

So, to recap... this little Phoenix baby looks like a little cockerel!

So, the first round winners are:
Kate S (requested vanilla goat milk soap)
Carla W. (please specify your prize in an email!)

I apologize greatly if I missed anyone.  Some of the guesses came in as comments on Facebook posts, which timeline will not let me see.  I will look at different ways to use FB to manage future contests.  In the mean time, the second half of the contest it still on!  Comment here on this page to share your guess as to the color of the cockerel!  Contest closes on Labor Day, when I will announce any correct guesses.  Again, specify your preference for a prize, being soap, lotion, glassware, jewelry...  And the fun continues!

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