Friday, July 6, 2012

Crazy Friday!

As I already wrote, Wyatt's new puppy came home today.  He made some very adult decisions in selected just the right dog, despite how much he misses his Hopper Spark.  As it turned out, Charlie brought home a new sofa today.  
We were going to wait and bring it in tomorrow, but then I heard the weather might involve monsoons before I would get back from town, so the boys opted to stay up and trade out the sofas in the living room.  The new one has a sofa sleeper!  The boys were enjoying modeling it.

Bringing the sofa in and moving the old one out was a lot of chaos, so Wyatt's new little friend, who had tried to sit at his feet as the new sofa came in the door, ran and hid on her bed in Wyatt's room.  Vegas ran out the front door and I had to retrieve him after the mess was put back to right!

After trying out the new sofa, Wyatt said goodnight, and headed off to bed.  He is sleeping in the bottom bunk right now, staying close to his little friend.  I snuck in for a photo.  He was out cold, but she didn't want to lose sight of her boy.

Well, now begins the next chapter!  Bailey is baking snickerdoodles for her robotics meeting, and doing a very good job by herself with very little help from me.  I myself am struggling to stay awake.  Guess I should fold another load of laundry and give up the ghost.  Morning comes early, after all!  Have a wonderful night and a beautiful weekend!

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