Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Henny Penny...

We love all of our animals around here, though each has its own distinctive personality and reason to love them.
This is one of the young Delawares who just joined our laying flock.  She keeps sneaking off to try to mother the chickens in the bantam pen!
This is one of the older Ameraucaunas.  She likes to sneak up and perch on fences next to you and ask for treats.  She pretends not to care, but will cuddle up to you shoulder when other hens aren't looking.

This is a silver laced Cochin hen.  She has decided this year to be more broody, and encourage the Poofy and Foofy twins to hang out int he nest boxes.  No one is allowed to take her sleeping spot in the big mesquite tree!

And these are just a few of the goofballs around here.  What fun personalities keep you laughing at your house?


  1. My rooster Nugget, every morning, comes up to me, puts a wing down and dances sideways towards me. I love that :)

  2. Love it! I love how they all have such distinct personalities, too. Far more than I ever anticipated for chickens!
