Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Holdouts

These are the holdouts.  
By holdouts, I mean a group of chickens who refused to join the rest of the flock in fully enclosed pens.  Our pens were always large, but since the chickens had displayed a preference for sleeping in trees back when we were only letting them out during the day, we didn't fully enclose the tops of the pens when we moved tham and built more.  They were more a means to give them sleeping and laying areas, and so the roos would all get a long.

Once the owl came along and began sidestepping his way up the tree branches to pick chickens off in the middle of the night, we enclosed the pens.  We continue to work on fortifying the roofs, as the owl is tricky and tears its way in sometimes, and once the fortifying is complete, the holdouts will move in to a pen.  Until then, this is their favored sleeping spot!

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Wild and Colorful Sunday =)

Well, over the last year, I have had occasions to remind me that live is meant to be lived and appreciated now, while we work for tomorrow.  Sometimes when we forget that, the time slips away and we cannot get it back.  So I set the goal to go out and do things with friends, and to take care of myself too, setting priorities where I matter, too.

On that list was going to workout classes with friends, doing some of these silly runs and somehow finding more time to live alongside the chores.  As a part of that, today I got to go play at the Color Me Rad fun color run with my friend Tammy, and another of her friends.  There were a couple others in the group, but in all the crazy at the starting line of color bombs, we were separated.
Here are the three of us at the end of the run.  Tammy could easily have run circles around me, and I really need to learn to take the time for a proper warm up for things like this in the mass of folks, but I will get better at it.  No shin splints, just the hamstring thing, but I will get better at it with practice.  Sure glad Tammy organized us!  She also made the fabulous tutus!

While we were running, Bailey and Wyatt went to the zoo to check out the new Elephant exhibit, and have a little fun, then they can back to play in the color bombs and play until time to meet a lady who was bringing us some strawberry plants!

AFter we met her, (and she is a PRO at wrapping them!) Wyatt wanted to look at the ducks one last time before heading home to chores.  Did I mention he had taken over my colorful glasses and the tutu?  And he isn't actually ill, his hair was full of orange tinted cornstarch.  In fact, even after his shower- it still really is.  Clearly I am raising a boy who is comfortable and secure in his masculinity  .  At least that is the reason I am noting for hte boy who really wanted to play in LOADS of color!!!

The kids thought the whole thing was really fun, so we are hoping to get it together to do some of the other silly fun runs as a family.  Nothing too serious, just some fun to keep us all enjoying our training.  This is Tammy, she runs circles around me, and has run the Marine Corps Marathon.  I don't kid myself into thinking that I am that good, but will have fun keeping fit!

We came home and got to work.  I had twenty new little strawberry plants to tend to, the children had chores.  Over the course of planting and setting the new plants inside, I got a lot of cleaning done in the remnants of the greenhouse.  It makes me want to have it back together, I could be starting tomatoes in there right now.  But one step at a time.

For right now, I am looking to more training, more of the gauntlet, some Tumamoc with the kids we were talking about this morning, and bringing the next planting along, while the current chickens grow up and the children prepare for county fair.  One thing at a time, right?  Oh, and I did say that I would give up caffeine.  Wish me luck- I will likely need it!

Have a great week.  Remember to hug your loved ones and tell them what they mean to you, and have fun making those little steps forward.  Love to all!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday at the Gem Show... and More!

We woke up to a little rain around our place, and lots of cool snow photos on the internet from our friends across town.  Dog project was cancelled, so we got a few things done around here, and made some cookies  and did laundry while Wyatt worked his puppy and Bailey worked on Science Fair.  I got a few batches of lip balm made- the CocoaMint and CocoaLavender.  YAY!  I had promised to have some more at the market!

We did sneak into town for a bit to check out the Gem Show!  Wyatt found a geode he is really looking forward to breaking open, and a couple little crystals.  The kids each found a bracelet with four leaf clovers, and Bailey found a little heart she wants to practice wire-wrapping on.  We also found some art glass earrings, and a special treat for their cousin, and replenished the crystal supply!

The kids went off to deliver cookies to Bunky with their Daddy, and I got to go pick up my run packet for the Color Me Rad run tomorrow!  After a challenge with the photo kiosk for the science fair photos for Bailey's project, it was a little late for more than a short workout, but I was able to find a movie we had been looking forward to=).

SO after dinner, we settled in for The Odd Life of Timothy Green.  I wasn't really prepared for it to have a sad part, but we really enjoyed it, and the message about accepting people as they are and enjoying them and loving them no matter that they are different was really well put together.

Well, I will continue to share the adventures of the family and farm and homesteading here on our farm blog, but also decided that there will be some changes coming on the bully blog.  For all of the time I have sat down to write and look for hope, I have had a hard time writing it out.  So I believe on that blog, I will begin to write about the journey back.  I hope folks will see the entries as a feeling that we are not alone, and others will understand that the road back isn't simple or one size fits all.

Additionally, on my personal blog, I will work on keeping a journal this year.  It is a long standing goal, and I plan to be forgiving with myself, but it is good to write down your goals and the ups and downs of life.  My next goals: after the run tomorrow, I plan to get off of caffeine!

But first- this run tomorrow- so I had best get some sleep!  Hope you have a great weekend!  Hugs to all!

Another day in the life

Another day in the life...
Chickens who like things their way- Ameraucaunas and Phoenix...

A step forward as the dishwasher isn't perfect, but IS working...

THe chickens are coming back into production well, with the beautiful variety of eggs and colors in pinks, browns, tans, greens and even white!

Gotta love those Arizona sunsets.  We often find ourselves outside working until the last glow of the orange evening sun disappears to the West.

And sometimes even a little beyond

Those few holdout chickens who refuse to be in a coop, despite the owl frequenting our area.  They must have a good watch sysem going though, because these eight birds are still untouched after being the only ones out for four weeks.  After a little more reinforcing in the big pen, though  these, too, will be made to stay in the safety of the large pens we have here.

See the egg on the right?  Even with the cracks, it will do fine in the fry-pan for me, the membranes aren't broken, so I will be getting a little more protein!

So yes, another day in the life around here, along with driving and homework and trying to train that puppy!  But I wouldn't trade this crazy life!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sunday fun and Food Revolution event

It has been such a busy week this week, that I am finding myself a good bit behind in updating the online journals, especially this one!
Last Sunday, we were invited go be a part of a grand opening for a midtown Tucson wellness center and Food Revolution Event.  Tucson Food Revolution is a non-profit which is dedicated to getting people to access local fresh, healthy food sources.  They had asked that we bring along a goat and a few chickens, and showcase the jewelry and all natural soaps at the event.

So Wyatt and I packed up the big truck and set off for town... We set up a small display of jewelry, some soap and lotion bars and a little bit of glassware.  As you can expect, the highlights were the baby chickens and the young goat Patriot's Dream Olympia.

Wyatt even tried some new foods!

Olympia thought it was a little loud. She is used to visiting folks more her size who are either sitting down or hanging out in the grass with her.  So she hid out in her crate a fair amount.

The storm clouds threatened, but in thee end they just kept it cool with only a slight breeze.  No rain on our event!

After we got home to chores and fun,we enjoyed a beautiful sunset with a bright moon.

Love the Arizona sunsets!

The rain gauge was still empty.  We didn't get any from the downpours on Saturday, or the scattered showers on Sunday, but hopefully next time!

Despite that, the seeds I had planted when the kids were sick on Tuesday were already starting to come up!

Hopefully the ones I planted Thursday would not be far behind.

Well, I guess with a little rain, seeds starting, and animals growing we are off to a good start for the year!