Sunday, October 6, 2013


This is Amranth. Also known as Amranthus Palmeiri, or Carelessweed, it is an edible weed that volunteers its way into my gardens and planter boxes.

When grown in soils with lots of nitrogen, as is found with compost from some livestock, even when they are raised on organic feed, you should cook it more like spinach. When it is really hot out, it wilts really fast during harvesting, so you should have a pan of cold water ready of you are wanting it fresh.

See all those seeds up top? They catch wind VERY quickly and become very prolific! Which also means you should be careful when harvesting or removing it id you don't want it around.  My daughter and I are SO allergic to it that we cannot harvest it, the boys have to, so we haven't done much with it. 

What edible weeds have you tried?

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