Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Where Did the Weekend Go?

I think these photos were left over from Saturday. I was really enjoying the sunset while the kids and I were working on our special pen project and watering and doing evening chores.

I was also really enjoying the way the last rays of sun were extending further into the sky with each picture.

We didn't get much finished, but did make a little progress.

Okay, this one is likely my favorite shot of them...

Or maybe this one...

Charlie and Wyatt were supposed to be putting things away when it got too late to work. Then they talked me into trying on this hunting vest and Wyatt started messing around making funny horns with the cow horns we have been threatening to affix to Bailey's truck.

Okay, here is the vest. How much could I lose in all of those pockets?

I was working on putting some things away and the box from some leftover fabric had disintegrated. As a temporary patch, I used a big old ammo can.  It got me thinking, I could hide a lot of craft supplies in ammo cans and Charlie might not notice it was even there... 

The sunsets really are amazing out here. For those who accuse me of ADHD behavior, I don't know where you are getting it from...

On Sunday, we made a few stops on the way home from church. One was Bookman's, where Wyatt found a couple books. We also picked up a soaker hose. That project will be coming along later this week But while we were at Bookman's, we found a pigeon that is really fancy and doesn't require any feed. We thought it was perfect for a new 4-H project, but apparently it doesn't meet the breed standard.  Picky, picky...

We also stopped for tortillas. Wyatt was really enjoying the architecture a the El Rio bakery.

Once we finally got home and got things rolling, we did finish the main structure and roof of the special pen project. This will hold for a week or so while we select the right primer, but it is almost ready! In fact, the chickens moved in, and seem to like it for now. I look forward to not only checking this project off the list once and for all, but also sharing the photos of the final project. The kids have something fun planned for the next stage!

This is the hole in the kids' bathroom wall. The towel racks just don't do well in there. The kids have finally decided what to try next, and they think they like their Grandma's idea of going to well secured hooks. That being decided, Wyatt is learning to patch the wall. When all is said and done, I will share a separate post with photos of the learning process on this one!

Charlie is going to exchange some wood tomorrow, and we should get back on task with the doe barn project when it comes home. Because of that, all of the walls are not yet complete. We have had some extra bracing at the edges of the wood panels, and Shine has taken advantage of them to go visit the pens and come back tot he house. What a spoiled little guy! So Bailey got you all a couple videos to enjoy!

He is sure enjoying having the best of both worlds- the companionship of the goats, but the great house like alongside the dog and kids!

Well, that is not to say that we didn't take time to appreciate the reasons why we are free to be as silly and independent as we are.  We know all too well that we are the lucky ones. As a military family, we are blessed to be together and to have each other to drive crazy!  Our family has been military in nearly every generation since the war for independence, so our military tradition is a proud one, spanning several branches of service.

Well, we finished off the weekend with a much appreciated family dinner of elk round steak, roadkill potatoes and melon. I have also been trying hard to reorganize the house completely, so Charlie and the kids brought this into the house temporarily for me to work with along the way this summer.

As well as it will keep a lot of things organized, it is rather big, so hopefully I will be ready for it to move out soon.

Well, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Hug a veteran, love your family, and enjoy the coming week for all of the promise that it is. Love to all.

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