Monday, May 19, 2014

Bantam Cochins

I have been raising blue bantam Cochins. Pullets should weigh 24oz., while cockerels should weigh 26oz. Hens should weigh 26oz. and cocks should weigh 30oz. in comparison. Bantam Cochins are productive layers and lay light brown eggs. Cochins originated in the Shanghai region of China and were imported to England in the 19th century. Queen Victoria made them popular birds, with their heart body shape. The disqualifications of the Cochin breed include the presence vulture hocks, bare middle and/or outer toe, complete absence of yellow in feet, and nonconformity to shank color as stated by variety.

Bantam Cochins are in the Feather Legged Class. Unlike Silkies, Cochins have red single combs, red wattles, and red ear lobes. The beaks of this breed should be swarthy yellow, as should the shanks and toes. The plumage should follow the variety standard, and the Cochin’s eyes should be reddish bay.  
Being that I show Blue Cochins, I breed to adhere to the standard and further the breed. The blue plumage is to be a gray blue with a lighter breast and underside, as well as wing tips.
Bantam Cochins come in a multitude of varieties including Barred, Birchen, Black, Black Tailed Red, Blue, Brown Red, Buff, Buff Columbian, Columbian, Golden Laced, Lemon Blue, Mottled, Partridge, Red, Silver   Laced, Silver Penciled, and White. Those are only the ABA(American Bantam Association) accepted varieties for Bantam Cochins. Others do exist, but there hasn’t been a large enough pool to begin acceptance of more varieties.

Poultry have specific parasites and diseases that infect them, and can be dealt with. Internal parasites of chickens include ascarids(large roundworms), cecal worms, thread worms, tapeworms, protozoa, coccidiosis, histomoniasis(blackhead disease in turkey). External parasites of chickens include lice and mites. Poultry diseases include Exotic Newcastle Disease(END) which is rapidly infectious, Avian Influenza which is the bird flu, Marek’s Disease which is the poultry form of herpes, as well as Gumborro Disease which is is noted by inflammation and atrophy. Poultry, as many issues as are possible, do not seem to contract them as much as might be projected.
Bantam Cochins are easily manageable, gentle, and easy birds. They make decent and docile show birds. 

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