The single baby is doing well. The mama hen lets it wander farther and farther away from her each day, but she is always looking. It had me curious, since often the mamas stop looking after the chicks at night, leaving them to themselves.
While I was at the end of the porch watering a little before sunset tonight, the single chick was playing in the rocks, then working its way up into the tree for the night. Here it is. Remember, you can guess as many times as you like, and the contest is about guessing whether the baby is a pullet or cockerel, and what color the baby Phoenix will be. So far, most (but not all) of the guesses involve the chick being a cockerel, but several different color patterns. When is the last date to guess? I had initially set that the first winners would be chosen on Independence Day and Labor Day, so the deadline for the first round of prizes is July 3rd.
So, back to the growth of the baby... The little one worked its way back up into the tree.
See the little one nestling in at the top of this photo near the trunk of the tree? Well, the mama might not be snuggling with the baby at night now, but she is very close at bedtime. See the mama hen close to the bottom of the shot, about a third of the way in from the left?
Well, for now, she is still doting on her little one, even as it grows and spreads its wings. Kinda fun to watch. really. So feel free to add to your guesses. They are such fun to read and I will share them all when I do the first round of prizes. Have a great night!
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