Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wild day at the Marana Farmers' Market

Tuesday afternoon at the farmers' market in Marana, the people were wonderful as always.  There were five groups selling, the others had been scared away by the heat, I believe!  The customers were fun to talk with, and as the first hour passed, we all talked about our hopes for rain.  Then we watched it begin to roll in!

It only threatened in the distance at first, and as we know here in Tucson, it can look as though it is headed straight for you, then go the other way and leave your gardens without a drop!  But as it grew in front of us, I snapped a quick photo of my booth.  Lots of soaps and herbs!

Then the storm got serious.  We began taking down tent from those who had brought them as a precaution, and as soon as we did the lightning got too close, and Marie called it.  As we began packing up, the wind came through and sent things flying!

One of the great things about the farmers' market, is the people.  The gentleman who was singing even stopped to carry a box to the car for me.  We were all packed and headed out when the rain opened up.  This farmers' market is up at the Marana town complex, and it is on the far North end past Tangerine, where we start to see the dust storms.  When I stopped at the sign to turn to the frontage road back to Tucson, I caught this quick photo of the dust storm building at the Northern border of the monsoon storm.

Sad the farmers' market was cancelled, but everyone is safe.  What a wild day!  It was a drive through rain and power outages, but I picked up Bailey at the mall where she and her friend had gone to see Brave, then came home to see to the animals in the storm.  Come morning time, comes the real digging out!

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