Today was no different. I taught Pilates this morning, and spent about an hour in the gym with Bailey afterward. That was fun, think we will do it more often. She was suggesting taking Zumba together next week, too!
We ran a few errands, then headed home for chores. While Bailey worked on Vegas and her room, and catching up on email from while she was away at camp, I cleaned and did a few loads of laundry. Charlie had requested tacos and ice cream for his Father's Day treat, and set up the burner outside for me to make his tacos away from the kitchen. We had a nice dinner as a family.
We got to call and chat with my Dad for Father's Day, and then while Wyatt worked with some educational games, I tied my shoes and promised ice cream when I came back in. I love the part of the year when the rain fills the barrels, and I dip watering cans in to water my pots and greenhouse. Wandering back and forth, from the barrels to the greenhouse, I glanced up at the sky. Where last night had been filled with angry clouds, tonight there was a beautiful blanket of stars.
Wyatt loves to sleep out under the stars. I like to look at them and remember how small and insignificant my petty little problems are, even when they weigh me down. So working out there, under the stars, I count my blessings, gather my purpose. Hope there is something that does that for you. Have a good night!
This isn't the stars, but another beautiful sight I get to see in the evenings. Have a wonderful week, hope you make it count! Hugs to you all. =)
What a beautiful sight.