Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sweet New Faces

I am finding myself up late in lesson plans and sitting with a sweet old dog who is sneezing a good bit tonight.

Since I wandered over to check for news, I thought I would take a moment and introduce a couple new little friends...

Please pardon the photo quality, but this first one was from yesterday i the little nest box when we went to check on the three broodies in the Silkie group. She was still wet, so she stayed with the hens until today. As we have been relocating snakes from near there again, we went ahead and pulled the little one to the brooder in the living room. I didn't get any new photos, though, Wyatt is beginning to take the two Silkies that hatched for this year's showmanship birds.

We still had six eggs in the incubator, and Wyatt thought for sure last night that one was talking. I thought he was just hearing the very loud little ones in the brooder, but he was right. Today, a little bantam Cochin joined us, running about the incubator happily.

Once dry, Bailey lifted the top, and the baby chick jumped into her hand. Old man Vegas had to see the new little addition. He isn't too fond of the loud brooder, but has a soft sweet heart!

Well, everyone seems to be quieting for the night, though Shadow did sneak in and lay on my side of the bed. She worries when her big "brother" isn't himself, especially if her doting kisses don't fix things straightaway, or with her bringing him the bowl.  I suppose I should get some sleep, morning comes early, and I never know what the new day will bring! Have a good night, all.

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