Sunday, August 11, 2013

Simple Saturday

Well, we slept in until about 7am today.  As we finally got rolling, the boys quickly followed the chirping to the new baby in the incubator.  While I set up the brooder, Wyatt took the new little munchkin outside.  

The little one hollered and hollered all day, but no one else emerged from their eggs in the rather full incubator, so "she" is still by herself  in the brooder.  Poor thing! But she is getting attention from us until she has friends!

Sorry about the sideways photo here. Sometimes blogger gets the best of me. Shadow Paws actually cried for Wyatt while he was at football practice last night, so she didn't really want to share him with the little chick. Every time he went to work with her, she laid on the floor and gave them dirty looks. Poor baby! Not "her" fault! Goofy puppy!

This is the little one in the brooder. She was getting along okay, but Bailey and I kept looking at one leg and worrying, 

We think it is a little loose and not lining up right, so we splinted it. Now she is walking much more correctly, but we have to leave the corrective measures on until the muscles catch up.

We lost a day of schooling this week to football stuff, so after I made waffles, Wyatt was set to school work, Bailey to Chem experiments, and me to cleaning.  Charlie had me make out a shopping list and headed to town, and the post office to try to figure out what has now gone wrong with our mail. Looks like I have to take it on again Monday.
Charlie did some shopping, and in the end felt like bringing home special things for us- how sweet!
He brought us a new electric toothbrush, and the dogs new dog beds.
Shadow needed no convincing. She decided immediately it was hers, and got comfy.

Vegas took considerably more effort. He stood by them and demanded his old bed back, then laid on the floor and grunted.  Poor old boy! Charlie carefully helped him get on it at one point, but it didn't work.  Then tonight, after Wyatt took Shadow Paws to get in bed for the night (Spoiled puppy has her own pillows on Wyatt's bed), Vegas walked across both beds two or three times and decided Shadow had broken the one in well enough, then laid down to sleep.

Well, I am pretty beat. I don't have much to show for my day, to be honest. I made three meals, cleaned the fridge, a little laundry, taught math, helped the baby chicken, and cleaned the kitchen.  Hopefully I get more done tomorrow!!!  For now, though, good night!

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