Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Another day, another round of fun!

Crazy morning! Perhaps this would be a bad time to admit that  Wyatt and I slept WAY in until almost 7 this morning!  Oops! No wonder the goats were so mad at me! Bailey has them spoiled, and they all know the does eat first. I, on the other hand, often stop at my spots on the back porch first, checking on the babies who love to knock their food and water over early in the morning, where the goats have already heard the door, and then I fill up chicken feed buckets on the way to the goat pen.  I think they will be very excited for Bailey to come home at the end of the week!  Until then, they share the mama of the house =).

This is the hen who thwarted me while both children were away a couple of weeks ago. She set up shop with six eggs in the loft up above the the nesting boxes in the big pen poultry barn.  Wyatt took me out there shortly after he returned, and I really had no clue when she had set up shop up there, so we decided to let her hatch them out, if her interest remained. It has been over a week since then, so I am guessing her interest will continue.  Not a safe place for babies, though, so the babies will end up in a brooder inside.  Unless anyone wants a few very inexpensive, mixed breed babies to hand raise...

When the temps here hit 110 for several days straight, the yellow pear tomatoes drooped, and despite my efforts, they are not coming back.  That was less surprising than this pichu fruit plant, the smaller one of two we raised this year, which collapsed the other day. One section broke off, then the whole plant flopped over in a day.  It is looking like a loss, just as we are getting the first fruit off of the other one. Can you believe this plant was four feet tall and three feet wide a day before this photo was taken?

We have been experimenting with several herbs and grasses and the like in preparation to build salad bars for the chickens.  Today, they got a whole thing of wheat grass. I was going to trim more for smoothies, but with Bailey away, Wyatt has been opting for eating whole fruit more, and it seemed better to let them enjoy it than let it go overgrown first.  Again, spoiled livestock at Patriot's Dream! 

And, of course, Roja had to stand in the flat to claim it!

With the roof repair on to the next stage in the Brahma pen, I took a few minutes today to work on the obstacle course project.  This is a balance walk up.  This is pretty low, and there will be a higher/ steeper version soon, but with a flat walking board.

The stump on the left in this photo is for balancing on, one legged squats, etc.  I imagine the kids will find many options for it!  The two logs just beyond will be for lateral agility jumps.

Shadow Paws offered to serve as quality assurance inspector.

This would be my cause for complaint lately. An empty  water trough.  Rain seems to skirt right along the south and est sides of town, completely passing us by.  Please, rain, come to our house!

I set up to give a chicken a bath, but the water was too hot, and never cooled down before I had to pack up to leave for the market!  I will try again tomorrow, though.

Shadow took me back out to discuss a hole that concerned her. She promised to watch it for lizards until I fill it in.

I am working on a new planter. I lined this one with plastic as an experiment. I am thinking of starting beans in there later in the week.

Shadow climbed up on my bed to help Wyatt with his school work. I think he just encouraged her so he could ignore his math a little longer!

This would be the mess I was making, working on reworking the farm stand sign. I think I know how I want to make it work differently now. The chalkboard paint didn't work, so anywhere I want to use the chalkboard paint, I will put a middle layer of lacquer to see if that helps it last better. This pallet will be a list at the bottom of the sign, and will only have blackboard on one side.  Hopefully I get more done before the next rain, but tempting the rain isn't beneath me, either!

This portion is ready for the lacquer layer. Things take a little longer to dry this time of year, so I will do the lacquer come morning.  I like the way the white on blue stands out, so will likely repeat that in the list sign.  Do you agree?

Well, after this, I rushed off to a quiet day at the farmer's market, and still have far more to do than time to do it in.  Honestly, once Charlie's uniform is ready for the dryer, I will probably give up for tonight. The alarm will be going off early, and it is about time I got on track with a little more sleep! You all have a great night, and an even better tomorrow!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Fun Crazy Food!

I am a firm believer in trying new things.  I also think that if we go a little crazy here and there, and try some funky fruits and veggies with the kids, that they will be more open to more fruits and veggies.

Apparently called a Kiwano melon, these are eaten by sucking the fruit through your teeth to separate the seeds.  I couldn't get the hang of that, but Wyatt accomplished it easily and wanted to save seeds to grow.  It was mildly sweet, without much of a distinct flavor.  Okay, it is really still in the fridge, so I will likely finish it tomorrow afternoon, and save the seeds to dry and let Wyatt decide on whether we try to grow them.

But I did see another fruit that we hadn't tried before, so I may be stopping back there after work this week!
What wild fruits and veggies have you tried or grown?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Everything I Need to Know in Life, I Learned Walking Tumamoc Hill...

Do you remember several years back when all those signs were up about Everything I need to Know in Life I Learned in Kindergarten/ from my Dog/ Cat, etc? As we headed up Tumamoc Hill this morning, I saw all these simpl lessons going on around me, and began snapping pictures to take this theme into the new old age of memes and a nature preserve...

So here goes nothing, 

Everything I Need to Know in Life, I Learned Walking Tumamoc Hill...

Make life a fun ride...

Clouds can be good or bad.  It depends how they act in your life, and how you do as well.


Be ecologically aware...

Ignore the rumors. Or give them something else to talk about...

Or give them something else to talk about...

But don't let them get you down.

Keep going.

In the right direction. Lead the way.

Be proud, and rejoice!

Don't let others tell you what to do. Do the right thing, at the right time, even if others don't.

Don't give up.

Got any to add?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Annual Off to Camp Post...part one!

Time for the annual "Off to Camp" posts.  This is a bit delayed, as the kids are already back from the first one, and Bailey has headed off to be a counselor at the second, but here goes nothing anyway!!!  I just hope it makes sense =)

Anyhow, a few weeks back, we loaded up the car on Sunday midday, and Shadow got really sad.  She wouldn't get out of the car, so I let her tag along and help take the kids to camp at the Triangle Y.  We were really thankful for the campership that was awarded to the kids through the 162FW, allowing both of them to go this year.  We were also thankful the Triangle Y put up with Shadow helping drop them off! 

(She did offer to be a camp mascot, but I told her she had to come home and help me with the animals since the kids were gone).  In the end, she got unsupervised time outside, and is finally settling in to being a good guard dog! (aside form channeling Remi on the whole toad thing- but I ordered in the active charcoal this week...)

I think Wyatt learned to pack from his Daddy. I also think that is one of Charlie's rolling duffels he typically takes TDY...

Funny how the girls in our family pack lighter! Though Bailey always has books packed!  She wasn't so sure about leaving her animals, or going off to camp at times, but when I went to pick her up, she didn't want to come home!

Alas, she was excited that her grandparents came to visit last weekend, and arrived at our house as we were unloading the car. Grandma and Grandpa were drug out to visit the animals as they fed. Grandpa had recently met the new geese and goats, but there were a couple new ones and Grandma met the new animals and said that Verse reminds her of Obediah's mama, Vital.  We agree.

Then, on Thursday, Wyatt went to Grandma Camille's for the day to swim and do homework, while I took Bailey and her friend up to Mingus Mountain.   

Mingus Mountain is kind of near Prescott. The state 4-H purchased a camp there, call the James 4-H Camp (I probably got the name mostly wrong). They have a number of camps and leadership activities up there over the Summer.  Some of you might remember Bailey applying for a job as a camp counselor.  

She and eleven others were hired as counselors for something called Camp Corral. It is a camp or children of wounded or fallen soldiers.  This should be an amazing experience for the youth and the children they work with!  There is so much amazing stuff planned!  She has wanted to give back by being a camp counselor for some time, and after sixteen years in a military family she was honored by the opportunity to begin here.

These photos are form the drive up.  Lots of rain up there, it is beautiful and so green! The grass fed cattle are chubby and happy too.  Drove right past an amazingly well kept county fair grounds on the way, too!

We got there a little early, and looked around a bit! Bailey found a stump to be silly on beside the creek!

This photo is going to find its way into a meme soon!

Absolutely beautiful country. Should be a wonderful backdrop for a great experience! Apparently there are several of these camps going on nationwide this summer, and this is the only one with an 800 mile radius! They have some wonderful folks coming in, too!

Couldn't help snapping photos and enjoying the scenery during sunset on the way home.

I hope Bailey has some photos to share when she gets home!  I believe she will be learning so very much!