Monday, October 7, 2013

Kevin's New Friends, Chocolate and Snipe...

This morning, I brought home some new little friends for Kevin. Bailey helped me move a few birds around, and then once we had the VERY skittish Kevin in with the two little ones, we let them be for an hour or so with only checking in.  At first, Kevin was in the open section of the hutch, and the little ones were in the closed section.

Then, a little over an hour into it, Bailey went out to check, and Kevin and Chocolate were talking. Snipe was still in the other room.  But this was headway, so I asked Bailey to sneak out with the camera. (Excuse the already dirty hutch, please, the black feathers and poop make it look like I hadn't cleaned it before the move in!

Then Kevin went back in and visited with Snipe. Kevin seems to be taking a very friendly protector role with the two little ones, careful to step around them, even when being skittish, and gathered them up in the closed side for bedtime.

It is lots of fun to watch them together, it really makes me think Kevin was definitely needing friends to care for! We will see how they do, but for now things look great.  As you may remember, the guineas will grow to be part of our organic pest control support team. =) Such fun, and I look forward to watching them come into their own!

1 comment:

  1. Aww that is so cute!
    Great names by the way, UP is an awesome movie :D
