Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This morning's story for good

I teach yoga, so sometimes you hear me call it Karma.  I am also a parent, and at a 4H practice I once listened to a parent and leader discuss her expectations that any of her youth had better help out a fellow competitor who was having issues, with good sportsmanship and a smile on their face.  And I was raised in a family where your work ethic and how you treat others, not your win-loss record are the measure of who you are. 

This morning I managed to get out the door without my cell phone.  So I got to make the long drive home.  Turned out to be a good thing.  Got a few moments in of catching up with Charlie as he was beginning his day, and helped him study for a board he has this afternoon.  He told me a good friend had broken his leg earlier this week.  The first thing I thought was ouch.  To both of us, his is such a dear sweet guy with a smile and a hug for everyone, who manages to have all the dumb luck.  But still a great guy.

Along the road home, I was listening to NPR, catching up on the goings on.  There is a weekly commentator there, Frank Deford who has such wonderful perspective to his thoughts.  He has logged in commentaries about people wanting to remove the national anthem from sporting events because people behave so poorly and his thoughts about athletes as heroes.  Today was a wonderful piece about what makes them famous.  And the role of the coach in making youth into good people.

Well, I hope you check it out, and leave your feedback.  I hope that for you, like it did for me, it is one little lift in the step and reminder of who you want to be and how you want to be remembered.  Have a great day everyone!

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