Friday morning! YAY!
It has, thus far, been a week of ups and downs. But the weekend is almost here, and it should be a productive one with less driving than most (now that’s a big upside already!)
I had my last day for the spring in the lab with the other jewelry folks. While I love getting to go play in there, the Spring will be too busy to get to continue with my weekly playtime, so I will look forward to seeing them all soon. I was able to finish a neat little shadow box heart; set with a locally mined Azurite on a winding copper collar which I am excited will be displayed at the gem show next week. I didn’t get a chance to photograph it before submitting it, but will get a photo up once I get it back after the show.
I am making slow but steady progress on my class for this semester, and learning how the tests will go so that I can perform better. One foot in front of the other, life is never dull!!!
It has been a week of missing y Remdog, too. Remington was my partner and buddy, and when life is stressful, her gentle ability to just be and accept me is so missed. Old man Vegas and goofy Hopper Spark are trying to fill the gap, but they missed a predator visit, and we lost a young hen again, despite their efforts to fill in for the missing guardian.
CRUSH has almost made it through week four of the build season. The kids are working so hard, and it has been a truly positive learning experience for Bailey, learning animation, CAD, and other programs and expanding her welding and machining skills. Still, we are down to two more weeks of build before competition, and I am looking forward to less driving!
Well, off to see what Friday will bring! Have a great day, everyone!
I'm so happy it's finally Friday too.