Today I spent a good bit of time in the greenhouse. I amended the soil for today’s work, prepped and seeded pots for the Roma tomatoes. If all of the tomatoes I have seeded into nursery pots grow, we will have a lycopene rich summer here! Or, maybe have some for our farmers’ markets- both plants and fruits.
I split one of the strawberry plants, and then transplanted them all into hanging baskets. The root systems were doing beautifully, so hopefully they will catch up quickly from the transplant and be ready for spring strawberries. It would probably help, though, if I could quit walking head first into the hanging baskets.
Little Fly By Night had to move in with the bucks a week ago, as we were hoping to wait until spring show before deciding about wethering him. He is not transitioning very well to the living situation, but his half-brother Obediah is trying to help. Huey is pretty mellow, and likes having his sons as pen mates, so hopefully a few changes will help him settle in more positively. He is such a cuddly sweet boy, and truly loves his Mama. Sister Olympia has decided her favorite napping spot is in the doe pen feed bowl.
I sure love those little baby cuddle moment! Now that Bailey and Wyatt are almost as tall as me, I sure look forward to the baby livestock for my baby fixes. Unlike Bailey, though, you will not find me with her sweet cuddly market doe on my lap!
I spread compost out in the big garden, since Charlie volunteered to till it for me this weekend. He even said he would bring home more chicken wire so that I can finish enclosing it this week. Guess I have my farm chores cut out for me!
The rest of the day and evening was spent on Science Fair posters. Charlie and I believe in the kids doing their own work, as we wish more folks did, but that can be painfully slow when dealing with a fourth grader with an intensive project. It is nice, though, to compare his more limited instructions geared for simpler projects with Bailey’s High School instructions to help him lay out the larger project and keep it from getting jumbled.
Now that everyone is off to bed, with snoring coming from several directions, and the coyotes in the wash having noise-making competitions with the roosters in the northernmost trees, I think it is time for me to head for bed too! I will hope to add some photos to this tomorrow- they are always far more interesting! Have a great night, world. Sleep well, and allow your spirit to mend and take flight.
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