Walking in, I asked Bailey what she really wanted to do with her hair. She said, "Donate my ponytail." This was going to cut it pretty close on the mandatory 4-H ponytail for county fair. After a discussion, she let me know she had been thinking about it for some time. The stylist told her they could make it work and give her just enough hair for the ponytail, or at least to get the front back. So what did I do? I donated mine, too.
Wyatt stood nearby and took photos of us (the camera is almost always in my purse,) then helped package them up to go to locks for love.
Last year, I had my hair grown out enough to donate again. I was going through some health issues, so it seemed better to wait. So after Christmas, a haircut went on my to-do list.
This morning, I dropped the kids off at school and went to a drop in haircut place. I asked them if they could cut my ponytail for donation. They said yes, I asked about having it cut so it would still be a few inches below my shoulders. They felt it was healthy enough, and that still gave them over a foot of hair to send away, so mine would still be long enough to get out of my way. We agreed to cut it right above the rubber band shown here...
So she braided it to keep it together for sending off, and out came the scissors.
After that, it was time to even my hair out. That's when she got a bit too happy with the scissors, and another 3-4 inches came off- oops. Once it dried, it was wavy and well above this...
That was a bit of a shocker. After I got done calling my mother to tell her I was officially bald, I took a deep breath. After all, that braid should be heading off to be a wig for someone with far less hair than I have now. And it is only hair. It will grow back- really, it will- in time.
I may not be able to change the world, but adding my little ponytail to the mix is one positive thing I can do. So I am sharing these photos for fun, and to remind myself to give what I can of me to make the world even a little bit better. And maybe that will remind me of the person I want to be. Have a great night everyone.
What a great mother and daughter bonding experience.