This is my new "experimental" planter. It is experimental because it is a different method of container gardening. It is different because, as you see, it is lined with black plastic.
Some folks are using this technique to hold the water in better. This might go really well, or I might choose never to do it again! Some demonstration gardens North of here are having good lick with it, so I thought I would give it a try for this new one.
The photo below is of a large planter where we are presently growing cucumbers. If you look closely, you will see adorable little baby cukes! This planter is closed, so I have to be pretty careful in balancing the water.
This one is similar, but not nearly as deep. This makes it work for only some of the plants, and we are trying pumpkins and melons in there right now. We will see how it goes with them. What I learn may not be all that accurate, since grounds squirrels and other annoying little critters ate the first two rounds that had started beautifully form seed here!
That brings us back to the little planter from today. It is just a wooden box up on blocks, so the experiment is a good choice for this one because it should help prolong the life of the planter. If you happened to notice the planter boxes and materials in the top left of the photo, they are from the old greenhouse that used to stand there. The kids and I hope to rebuild a new one there, with any luck before it gets cold.
Some of the new seedlings in the new planter box. Broccoli...
Swiss Chard...
There is spinach, too, but it is in worse shape, the little birds were munching on it where they were in starter containers on the back porch!
Well, I sure hope things go well with the new planter, but at the very least I will learn about this new version with the black plastic lining! Have you ever tried it? Do you prefer in ground gardens, raised beds, or containers?
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