Monday, October 21, 2013

Now that's an EGG!

The girls often share nesting boxes, of the six or seven available in each pen, maybe one or two will be used each day. Of course there are the favorite ones in each pen that will have the majority of the eggs, and one or two hens will trade out defending them, or pretend to be broody only to vacate as soon as one of us walks in to collect eggs.

So to be honest, I have no idea as to who laid this monstrosity of an egg yesterday. That is a jumbo egg carton, and the big egg laying separately will stand in one of the slots, but there is no way the carton will come close to closing. While I really do feel for the egg that laid it, (after all I did give birth to a baby over nine pounds) everyone seems to be doing just fine.

In general, they say that these extra large eggs are more likely from the older hens.  The older hens are also more likely to lay double yolked eggs, or eggs within eggs. The younger hens are more likely to lay the smaller ones, or eggs without yolks.

Does this one have more than one yolk? I am not sure yet, but I will share when I break it open to use soon. Since it won't be fitting into a carton, it will be staying in our own egg basket!

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