For those of you who have been laughing alongside me, everyone is home, and settling back in...
Late Friday, Charlie and Wyatt rolled onto our property, and unloaded just enough so that Charlie could head in to town and pick things up for the duty he volunteered for- snack bar at the goat show. Originally when he volunteered, he expected to return on Tuesday, but for any of you who know my husband well... hunting season comes with lots of "surprises" and changing schedules!
Undeniably, though, Shadow Paws is SO HAPPY to have Wyatt home. They are so funny together!
Anyhow, the show was fun. Fortunately, folks put up with me asking them to verify which goat they are showing and the herd name multiple times, as I am terrified I am going to miss something and not get someone lined up when they are supposed to be. Happily, the only ones missed were found before their classes! I come home from these events not knowing how on Earth the show secretary/ organizer, Kate, can possibly be willing to manage all the paperwork required before the show and still show up with her own goats, not running for the hills by show day. I don't mind lining folks up, and getting the submissions in to the association, but all that work she does!
Charlie had to make one last stop on the way to town, so other folks did pre-setup for the food booth, and then the food area turned into a man-cave of sorts, with other Dads pitching in to cook and help serve.
Wyatt came in and manned the raffle table. After having done it last year, he doesn't need me at all. He prides himself on pitching in without needing an adult, though when little ones come running through, I really believe he encourages them instead of calmly keeping them enjoying themselves constructively. I know that is just maturity, and that it will come with time and guidance, I will keep working on my patience!
The show was fun- a young man looked at me and told me it was the best day of his life. As Kate reminds us, they will have many best days, but I always hope the youth will remember that this hobby of theirs is work- and lots of it- but at the root is it fun, with friendship and camaraderie. Bailey did well in showmanship- 3rd of 8. This is only the second show with her new showmanship goat, who doesn't like to be crowded, and the youth just kept scooting up, so I think she was happy with that. In a couple weeks will be a showmanship only show, hopefully she will continue to improve.
I still find there is a lot of anger in my heart for the people who made 4-H not fun for a while, and who continue to spread untruths, but as I sat in church this morning, I thought about how it frustrated me that I haven't softened my heart yet, and found that balance between standing up to people to demand the right, and practicing the compassion that I need to model for the kids and to not let those people change me. If you see me tripping over the juggling act, please be patient with me, but remind me to be the person I expect of me. It has been hard to practice forgiveness where people have hurt the children and not been held to account. But I know I will eventually be better for it.
After church, the children and I moved the guineas out to a pen where the Javas and Buttercups usually live. Those birds are temporarily living with the Buckeyes. I am hoping that it works for now so the guineas can establish their territory here, before any issues arise, because I am even more sure today that all of the Javas we raised have turned out tot be roosters! Anybody need a Java rooster?
Wyatt and Charlie finished packaging up one of the two elk. The other is still frozen, and they hope to finish it up tomorrow. Bailey cleaned Glory's kidding pen again. No babies yet. A little more udder development, but based upon the breeding dates, we don't need to worry about them not arriving yet. Bailey will be keeping close eye in between assignments this week!
Well, now the real work begins. Getting things put away, and getting the schooling back on track. I had planned for this couple weeks to be pretty light on school. After all these years with Charlie, I know to plan for crazy in hunting season, and he got to spend a lot of time on environmental science and orienteering with the kids while they were away. I do think Wyatt's math books may have ended up in his grandfather's trailer, though, going to have to track those down in the morning!
Have a great week! We will keep you posted about those babies, all the best to you all!
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