Friday, September 6, 2013

The larger of the babies in the brooder moved out to the juvenile area this afternoon.  They weren't too sure what to do with the different flooring, 

The six of them are feathering out nicely, I do believe there are a few roosters among them...
Oh, and I hear there are two new babies in the bantam Cochin pen...

Just right of the center in this photo is the beginnings of a cucumber.See the little flower at the end?

Here is a bit larger cucumber down lower in the garden box. This plant really struggled when I transplanted it, so I am thrilled to see it doing so well. Now to not let Wyatt see them until they are big enough to pick!

This is a volunteer plant that loves to creep up in this planter box each monsoon. I will try to look it up later, as I need to double check what it is (again.)

Here I go with sunset photos again. The storms were back, and parts of town got it good! We got a few sprinkles, but nothing much, it went around us. This is actually to the East, there were really good storms about twenty miles that way, as the crow flies.

This was to the South West, where there was actually a storm. As if on cue, it came back to drop a few more random drops after I took this photo. Still, nothing new in the rain carrels!

Anyone need prickly pear? In heavy production presently are the pomegranates and the prickly pear. We also have lots of spineless prickly pear plants available and herbs, too!

This barrel cactus is cute!I think it looks like it is trying for a cactus shaped like a snowman contest. Although he is really leaning over! leaning tower of cactus? 

Oh, well, time to get some work done! On a positive note, the missing goat registration paperwork has been found in another part of the state. A long story as to how it happened, but the folks where it was sent by mistake contacted me for the address today, so hopefully they are on their way soon!

By the way, these two items came home with me today from town. Any guess as to where this project is going? Stay tuned for updates, and have fun guessing along the way!

On a sad note, one of the old hens in the show pen, Annette the Silver Phoenix passed away this morning. Such a sweet, silly friend. She retired from showmanship a couple years back, since she only wanted to sit and nap on the table, but was very instrumental in keeping the young roo in the pen in line! I will make her a post a bit later.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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