Monday, September 2, 2013

Our Wild Weekend!

Bailey and I headed out on an adventure this weekend, and left the farm in the capable hands of Charlie and Wyatt, with help from my parents who were in to help auntie move.  All the way up to Cottonwood we drove, but had to be home in time for me to teach this morning. After class, the kids and I did a walk around to make sure we hadn't missed anything with all the rain overnight.
Look what we found!

This new baby Silkie is actually black for now, but of partridge lineage, and settled right in to the brooder, taking a nap just a few minutes after meeting "her" new friends!

While we were up in Cottonwood, we participated in three goat shows, one on Saturday and two on Sunday. We participated in showmanship, a competition of our goat knowledge and skill in showing, as well as breed classes. The majority of the does stayed home to keep everything on track for the coming kidding season, but little Versie came along. Since she and Powerstroke didn't get their paperwork changeover in time to truly compete this weekend, we were fortunate to have wonderful judges that helped Bailey look at where they would truly stand and work on herd planning. Great folks and fun!

Bailey even challenged me to compete in adult showmanship...

This is a common sight when competing in open shows where breeders bring lots of their top animals, and end up looking like big city dog walkers! Sometimes there are ten goats in hand waiting to go in, just from one breeder.Then they have to figure out which lead to separate. The youth are always glad to help show and learn.

Obediah was hungry from being crazy and vocal with all the other testosterone in the barn.

The kids enjoyed hanging out with and showing with and against their good friends. 

A favorite activity in the down time- cuddling babies! Sure makes us ready for the next batch of babies here!

This was the last youth showmanship class. The youth are really amazing with their knowledge and poise!

The big boy bucks. So many different body styles represented! It might seem subtle to the naked eye, but the scorecard reveals a lot of fine detail aspects in breeding.

Another thing awaiting me when I returned home- posting the contest winners for the fall contest! Here it is:

Congratulations tot he winners and a big thank you to all who entered!

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