Saturday, May 25, 2013

Still Trying to Get Caught Up!

Today began as a chore day, as well as a work day for me.  Since my car went in to the shop yesterday for repairs, Charlie had to drive me in to town to teach.  This is Shadow out trying to behave herself in the yard while Wyatt was working with his animals.

This was a little pudding, shared only because I found cute little chicken cookies to go with it!

I taught two classes, and ran a few errands with Charlie, and then was pretty much done for.  I just can't seem to shake the last of this chest cold.  For all of you still listening to me cough like a crazy person, sorry.   I am getting a few things done, though.  Like yesterday, I finally got my eyes checked.  The doctor reminded me that since I am far sighted, and not getting any younger, that my eyes will only continue to get worse, and I should consider myself lucky that I can still see as well as I do without the glasses.  That was interesting!  But that is at least one thing off the list...

After running errands, Charlie and I stopped for the mail on the way home.  The new issue of the Memo was there- and the photo submission was in.  I love seeing our local kids make the magazine!

Then I squeezed in a quick rest, and back to chores.  I planted the seeds from a honeydew about a week ago, and this little seedling was smiling up at me tonight!  YAY!

The tomatoes are doing beautifully, but I had neglected to put the cages on them, and that was a bit of a wrestling match.  I got four of them done, but will need to do more in the next couple of days.  I really should not have waited so long!  But we have had beautiful tomatoes of lots of varieties, and I even got pictures of these before Wyatt stole them to eat straight off the vine!

These little yellow pear tomatoes are another heirloom variety and are tasty but also pretty cute!!!

Wyatt and Shadow were trying to clean the bantam pen around two broody hens.  It took some work, and he will try again to clean again around Trooper tomorrow in the better light with a partner, so he doesn't upset his spoiled little broody hens!  Shadow loves her Wyatt, he has one more week of school, then they are looking forward to fun time and training time together!

Shadow tails Wyatt through pretty much everything, but I don't have to do chores all by myself.  Vegas likes to hang out and watch me.  Or remind me to paint the deck.  Something like that, but I have company!


Shortly after this picture, Shadow and Vegas went inside.  Shadow was very upset that the dog bowl was empty, and carried it to me to be filled.  Once it was set down full again, she made sure Vegas saw it, then got a toy to bring me to throw for her.  She loves her silly big brother and looks out for him.

I really enjoyed the moon as I was finishing up for the night.  Last night was the full moon, but the glow around the  trees is so pretty, and I barley even need a flashlight!

All in all, we are pretty lucky around here.  I may still be coughing and avoiding things like church and gatherings where I would cough at everyone, I am slowly getting caught up.  I am still behind on birthday withes, and only recently got a couple late packages out that have been on the table for months, but I am making slow progress again, and even still have some lettuce growing.  Hopefully while I am home more this weekend I can get more done.  What's on your Spring list?

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