Monday, May 27, 2013

Family Day...

Charlie's big request was a fruit tart, so while I was putting this together yesterday morning, I was working on researching new sources for chicken feed.  We used to be able to get soy free, corn free, but then that changed, and now that my grades are posted for the semester, I can get back to working on things like finding local sources and repairs.

So as I was dishing this treat of yummy berries up, I was also finding a recipe for making my own (chicken feed, I mean).  I didn't get a chance to finish much of that research, though,  Hopefully this week!  Have any of you tried it?  Getting bulk reliably seems like a questions before making a jump like this, too.  I sure miss the days of a grocer ordering in for you!

The English Lavender are starting to really perk up, too- bonus!

I worked on the kitchen, and cleaned out the medicine cupboard.  Now I have a big bag of old stuff to take in to the pharmacy tomorrow, and things fit back into the cupboard.  Then I headed out to the chickens.  These eggs came from a pen where a few extra hens snuck in with the Brahmas.  The darker egg is a Brahma, the next lighter tan egg is a Delaware, and the other is a Phoenix. The Delaware really loved the rooster in that pen, so I  just weed out her eggs and don't let them hatch.

Shadow Paws offered to help Wyatt clean his room.  She made him make his bed, and took a nap while waiting for him to do the rest.

I finally got started on the new sign board for the farm, but only got as far as the first few coats of chalkboard paint.  I hope to get that finished and up this week, but haven't finished selecting the framing wood.  I am thinking of using upcycled pallet wood for it.  Have any of you tried it?  I like upcycling, but don't want to have to remake this project after the monsoons, either! 

Chalrie helped me fix the flagpole.  YAY! Just in time for Memorial Day.  It will go to half for Monday, for for now will fly at the top.  Nice to have Old Glory back in her place out front where she belongs.

A gentleman came by to pick up a couple extra Silkie roos that had hatched and we were giving away for free, and  he promptly fell in love with the Brahma roosters and purchased four.  Those really have been a striking, majestic  breed that has thrived here.

After picking up my car, I snuck off to get something for a project the kids and I are working on for Charlie for Father's Day.  I will take pics while we work on it, bu the overall project has to be a surprise for the finish!  We sure hope it turns out like we are planning.  Just need a few more components and we can start putting things together.

Well, now it is Memorial Day and I am just getting this posted.  I am going to go to work for a little while, but am looking forward to sitting down to write a Memorial Day post later, hopefully with the help of some guest bloggers.  Interested?  Please share a photo of your soldier, sailor or airman, and a  story about them on the farm page.  If you are interested in helping submit to the blog for this one, please send me a message, email PM or whatever works.  I am glad to share the mic, so to speak.  Have a great day, and take a moment to reflect on those awesome freedoms that so many have given so much to provide and sustain for us.

Love to all,

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