The Right Decision
"You will know you made the right decision when you pick the hardest and most painful choice but your heart is at peace."
I "stole" this from a post from a friend (many thanks for expressing this so well, Victoris!). Decisions can be so tough, and second guessing ourselves is a part of trying to do the right thing. Sometimes, I think I try so hard not to make a decision until I have to, just trying to get all my ducks in a row to make the right one. Some of my firends tend to worry almost obsessively about things none of us control.
I believe strongly that we should work to do the best we can with what we actually do control, and underdstand where that line is. As for the decisions of this life, the hardest ones matter the most, and we will not always be right. But this is a good thing to remember to give us a little guidance along the way. And like our mothers always told us, if we do the best we can and came with the right intention, it will work out in the end. While sometimes it hasn't felt like it would work out lately, maybe the big plan really is working out in the end.
Hugs to you all! Let your heart lead, smile, and help you to find your right path.
So true