I have been thinking about this blog post for a while, but it didn't take shape until this morning. As my feet were speeding along on the elliptical before teaching yoga this morning, all the thoughts swimming around in my mind about several different posts that haven't quite taken shape yet, the focus and hindsight of some recent discussions in our family brought clarity to this thought in particular: Let your heart Smile. Funny how a good workout brings clarity, isn't it?
Somehow in all of the hustle and bustle of the never ending to-do list, trying to embody the beliefs to which we espouse, driving long commutes and working through health issues, work, school and the bullying problems, I felt like the clarity wasn't quite there. The whole family did, but we were trying to finish the year strong, with the thought we could regroup over the summer. But then, that is what we have been saying.
Don't get me wrong, we are generally happy, hardworking folks. A military family with a large number of animals and busy kids. Like most of us. But we were also trying to make small, beneficial changes. Some were working, some were not. And what has happened in the course of it, well, you;ll see what I mean...
Charlie had talked for years about changing jobs within his unit. he would complete the application, then not turn it in. Staying where he had been for so many years was familiar, and he knew if he needed time to help with something, it was there. But he travelled so much, and he was under a lit of stress. Then he finally turned in an application. And within weeks, he boarded twice, landing at the top of each board list. He had a lot of second thoughts, but ultimately gave up a stripe in rank and found a new job where he works like crazy, but is recognized for his ability to manage himself, and he says he is more fulfilled getting to work directly with the pilots. Funny, people keep saying that he smiles all the time now. They are right.
Then it was our daughter. Sometimes the allergies and migraines can be a real challenge for adults, let alone when you are fourteen. Add to that our commute, her multiple animals, and many interests. As she puts it, High School is easier academically than middle school, but harder in people and social pressure. After a really round with bullies, the wonderful robotics team she was lucky enough to be invited to was advanced to nationals/ world championships. In trying to juggle academics and a once in a lifetime opportunity, she found she needed to let go of a few things. She put off the decision, and once she finally did, she began to smile again. REALLY smile again.
We are certainly trying to take the time to refocus and recenter on what is most important to us. Following our hearts, but without neglecting responsibility. Just remembering what it is that drive us in our lives and our life together. We all can get a little fuzzy sometimes. Then we need to stop and let our hearts smile. I wish the best for all of you, and that this holds in your own heart. So come on, you too. Let your heart smile!
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