Sunday, April 15, 2012

Azurite Shadow Box- my entry in this year's county fair

These are the moments I really think I need to make time for a photography class!  My entry this year for the county fair was this copper collar necklace.  The collar is heavy gauge copper wire, shaped into abstract hearts.  It settles around the neck, with the pendant near the sternum, no clasp.

The centerpiece is this copper shadow box.  I used the flash in an attempt to show the pattern in the back.  I used pure silver to mount the azurite cabochon, then blackened the back.  I carved the scrolls into the black, letting the copper show through the black for more decoration.

The front is dome copper, which I had soldered to the back before the blackening and carving and mounting of the azurite.  Apparently I shined it well enough, since I cannot seem to photograph it without getting either my own image, or that of the camera in reflection on the pendant!  Photographers out there, got any secrets for me?

This is the whole piece again.  The kids like to challenge me to put things into the fair as well as them.  I just don't juggle the schedule well enough the week before fair to enter and coking competitions these days, so I decided to see what the judges thought of this other aspect of my work.

Yup, there is the camera again!  (And me.)  Since I finished this piece, it made a stint in the Tucson Gem show showcase of the main show, and now to the fair.  I will have to decide whether I get to wear this one, or if I will sell it.  Although I am expecting some pure silver in any day...  What do you think?  I sure love all the comments and feedback!

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