Friday, June 14, 2013

There has been an herbnapping,,, and other ranndom goings on around here...

With the heat so dramatic, I have been waiting until the sun is down before watering the plants in the evening.  It is truly funny, just how little I can notice.  In the number of times I head off the back porch, that I hadn't noticed until watering time that the entire dill plant had been completely removed, with just twigs left in its place.
There has been an herbnapping!  Seeing as how my sister is a police officer, shouldn't there be a formal to-do here?  Hmmm... top suspect include the squirrels, little grey birds and rabbits.  So busted, they are, so busted.
Well, seeing as how there is really not much to do outside of plant more dill, I guess it is good we have lots of pickles made!  As I was continuing with working, I couldn't help but take a couple photos of the beautiful solar gazing ball Charlie and the kids brought me for Mother's Day. The colors of the solar leds reflect beautifully off the wall, and the tomato plants on either side of it leave beautiful streaks.

This is the new farm stand sign I have been working on.  It still needs a little work, with leveling and being visible and a few details, but all in all, it has the old time feel I was looking for, and I will keep at it until it works. I think the leveling will be first, and raising it up just a bit higher, and then a few more details. Any thought to make it better?

This is a close up version of the same photo.

Well, I am pretty tired, so I guess I am off to get a few things done tonight before bed.  Have a great night!

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