Saturday, May 26, 2012

A little update on the single baby

Remember that baby for the contest?  The little one who is its mama's only baby this season?  We have been working on a contest where folks guess the eventual color patterns, and whether it is a pullet or cockerel (girl or boy). 
Well, baby Spindles (as I have taken to calling it, though it does not officially have a name) has been beginning to feather out.  For those of you who have begun with babies, you know how wild this phase looks.

So I thought I would share some updates photos of the little one, for any of you who want to add more guesses.  The guesses so far have been fun and widely varied, even colors more prone to dogs. 
Guess as many times as you like on both parts.  It is really just about fun, since it is really impossible to know gene expression, or guess the gene expression of these little ones.  That makes it all the more fun!  So these are the new photos, and have fun with more guesses!
Enjoy your holiday weekend!  Oh, for the contest, we will keep updating photos and select winners a couple times, I think over Independence Day and Labor Day!  Who ever guesses pretty close is a winner, and we can have lots of winners- why not?

1 comment:

  1. Gram thinks its a little cocerel with the primary coloring of Sargeant Major. Wyatt needs a new "Sargeant Major" and the old nursery rhyme says....if wishes were .." I'm keeping my fingers crossed, he would be beautiful. You could name him, "lieutenant Major Spindles!"
