Sunday, September 16, 2012


Or- Show Up, and Try

This time of year, I spend a lot of time telling my students that if you keep showing up and trying, you will get better. (Or stronger, faster, more agile-whatever it is you are training for.)  I often find myself saying, too, that of the students who look back in three months and have not met their goals, the single most common thing stated as what they would do differently next time is (drum roll, please...): showing up more.

So what does this have to do with life, or the peewee football photos on this page, you ask?  

Pretty much everything.

Life comes with its wins, like the kids below experienced, yesterday.  Some are easy.  But sometimes they only look that way from the outside.
These boys came out fighting yesterday.  They scored quickly- Sunshine, then Tank, recovering their own kickoff, even.   They ended up winning 36-0.  But what might not be visible to the casual observer are other aspects of this win.  Like number 54, in the middle was playing through an upset stomach, and one of the Quarterbacks was just back from a concussion in last week's game.  Or the fact that they haven't won in well over a year.  At least.

Just as big a win for my young nose-guard who was fighting illness on the field, was the fact that it was a win which came as the first time his dad got to coach from beside him on the sidelines, instead of from afar around his military schedule.

That part of us that helps us keep getting up in the morning, like that underlying fight of my friends and family members who are fighting or living with cancer- that perseverance- not only gets you to the win or the next day, but it gets you the little things.

In yoga, there are some postures, or asanas, which help build physical strengths, or also those that build strength inside- from trust to perseverance.  Holding a posture that is hard, or a little scary, that helps build perseverance. 

 That same perseverance is a quality that will help you have a little more get up anyway when life keeps trying to knock you down.  Sometimes we need a little help to keep getting up, and sometimes we need to helps others.  But by practicing perseverance, and taking on new challenges in life, from a new sport to a new class or hobby, will give you a reason to get up anyway.  After all- there was that one time when you won.  It can and will happen again.

There's my thought for your Sunday. Hugs to you all. And find something to tackle this week, or helps someone else take on life.  It will build you both.

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