Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Night Reset

Ever feel like you could use a reset?  Like a do over.  A chance to begin again, and try again, pull things together, get things right.
Sundays are rather like that.  You pull everything back together and get ready to begin again in the world.  So that Monday morning comes and you begin a brand new week with your feet under you, ready to take on the world.
Another reminder of this is the full moon.  Right now is a harvest moon.  Officially, it is when the moon is closest, causing it to appear yellow.  Funny how it isn't that yellow once the camera captures it!

The kids and I were outside working at dusk, getting ready for another busy week.  That was when I watched the last glow of the sun in the West and the rising of the moon in the East.  So beautiful!

I found myself looking back at these photos lately.  I sure miss my Remington.  Remi loved her walks with the kids, and loved every animals on the property.  What she didn't like were cats trying to sneak in after her chickens and people trying to sneak onto her property.

Don't get me wrong  I love all of our goofballs.  Old man Vegas is presently asleep at the foot of my chair, and crazy Shadow is sprawled across a dog bed a few feet away.  They are all treasures in our lives, but Remington, while brought home by Charlie, loved me as her human.  She was such a special bond and joy.  And I was never alone working or caring for things here.  Countless babies were warmed or babysat by her.

I can't have my Remi back for a do-over, but I do believe she has made me a better person, which I hope it what we all do with a do-over.

So enjoy the harvest moon, and take a moment to set a goal for yourself, and a plan to reach it.  If you share it here in the comments, the public note can be a great impetus to keep you on track.  Let's have a great week!

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