Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Custom Hatch DC, part 4

Today was a big catch up day- again. I finally felt well enough to push the workout and work on projects on my list, as it has felt like treading water since I was sick and the beginning of the semester came with so many other commitments!

I wish I could say I had the video and other photos, but something went wrong with that process! Nevertheless, I finally got a chance to candle the second set of eggs for the DC Special Hatch.  You see, there is no candling eggs, or touching eggs or livestock when I am sick. The kids didn't complain at all about taking my chores, I take theirs when they travel or get sick.  So the candling, along with several other things, waited!

I am sorry to say, but this batch was also infertile. It came from a Dutch that belongs to a friend of ours, who has been laying consistently and is in with a rooster.  It was worth a shot to see if they would be fertile! We had hoped, but perhaps later this Spring we can try again and it will work better. =)

1 comment:

  1. That's the probem we have had when trying to hatch in the winter. For some reason the eggs aren't fertilized. Since its been warmer we have five eggs under a Silkie broody right now to test for fertility. They are due to hatch today. We candled them last weekend and they all looked good. We will see how many actually hatch.
