Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Tomato Digger

You have got to love a puppy.  Undeniably cute, full of life and energy, and ready to take on every new day with love and an adventurous spirit.  But still, they require a lot of patience, perseverance and training.  With all of the ups and downs that all of that comes with.

Shadow is trying hard to learn, but her attention span is that of a puppy, and she is always up to something!  Her favorite things are Wyatt Clay, car rides, running, digging, walks, training class, Charlie, fetch, toys, bones, and more.  Though not necessarily in that order.  The digging in dirt and water.  That is what got her in trouble here.  AFter finally getting the chickens to leave the plants alone, now Shadow has developed a propensity for tearing them out.

And this would be the culprit.  For all of the forward strides Miss Shadow Paws has been making, her work at training class, her total adoration of old man Vegas, this little dig-master has a black and white head, and black and white shoulders and front legs.  While there is some brown color on her body, she is very definitely showing the evidence of her guilt!

They say training is largely about training the humans.  With Shadow, it is about training us to supervise her well near dirt and livestock.  As long as you are with her, you can catch her thinking about it and use the "leave it" command.  As I type this, though, Bailey is outside replanting the one Shadow dug up when she was not watching and letting Shadow run around with Vegas.

Thank goodness I have so many tomato plants right now- I think I will need them all if I expect to get any tomatoes this year!!!

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