Thursday, April 11, 2013

I am Shadow, Today I am a Black Australorp...

Last night we were all working on chores, me on the pina colada jam and some zucchini bread for teacher appreciation, Bailey and Charlie on goat feet, and Wyatt on the chickens.  Wyatt came back up to the house, and I asked, "Where is Shadow."
Shadow means well, but she is all puppy.  Left to her own devices, she might harass show birds, get the neighbor dogs in trouble, unearth the tomatoes, or any number of things.  Last week she even ate her training leash.  Like I said, all puppy.

But when Wyatt went looking for her, he found her in the Big Pen, with the laying chickens there.  Most of the laying hens were bedded down or roosting for the night, but there was Shadow Paws, wandering the fence line, and pretending she belonged in there.  

When she jogged back tot he back door with Wyatt  I asked, what were you doing in there?  She sat and wagged her tail.  "Do you think you are a chicken?"  More wagging.  Apparently Shadow Paws now believes she can pass for a black Australorp.  Maybe that is her plan for spending more time at county fair with Wyatt Clay!

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