Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Holdouts

These are the holdouts.  
By holdouts, I mean a group of chickens who refused to join the rest of the flock in fully enclosed pens.  Our pens were always large, but since the chickens had displayed a preference for sleeping in trees back when we were only letting them out during the day, we didn't fully enclose the tops of the pens when we moved tham and built more.  They were more a means to give them sleeping and laying areas, and so the roos would all get a long.

Once the owl came along and began sidestepping his way up the tree branches to pick chickens off in the middle of the night, we enclosed the pens.  We continue to work on fortifying the roofs, as the owl is tricky and tears its way in sometimes, and once the fortifying is complete, the holdouts will move in to a pen.  Until then, this is their favored sleeping spot!

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