Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Fun, Work, and a Little More Progress...

I have to admit, I am stressing over the doe barn, but I am still working on the plans for the new one, and the does here are staying away with the things Bailey put out to rope them off from the fallen barn.With so many projects going on, we are trying to work on getting the partially complete projects off hte list to make room for the materials and work space for the doe barn while we work on drawing it out and wait for a few calls back. 

That said, we have six two month old chicks on the back porch, and six more in the brooder inside.  It is really rather perfect, the way the spacing is working out, because I definitely prefer the smaller number of chicks in the brooder for the ability to give the little ones space!

I really love the photo of the two above. Yet, I also love seeing them all run around, too!

We began putting the roof on the special project pen. The pens put together will be breeding and grow out space for the chickens the kids are working with.

We got about half of the roof on, and will get more done tomorrow morning.  Anyone want to guess what that tangled mass of metal was which is behind the grow out pen on the other side of the roof we were working on?

Lots more to do, but sure made a dent today, and we got to debate a few options for the new doe barn while we were working.

I didn't realize how blurry this was! The kids were laughing through the work as the sun was giving up on us. Bailey was helping me with the roof, Wyatt was measuring and designing the back door, since this is being designed to be able to be a ten foot pen and a five foot pen or a single fifteen foot pen, depending upon the need. It is about time we planned these to work with us from the outset!

We also got the front door completely on, so we can hopefully work on the priming this weekend, and painting early next week.  This is a big part of the special project design, they cannot wait to see it finished!

This is the total of the roof we got done, about half way.

Part of doing these projects is that Wednesday is our applied math day, where they apply what they are learning to projects. Wyatt got to practice measuring, allowing for hinges, squaring the corners for the door, and the number of screws for each corner to keep it that way. Hopefully tomorrow he will get it all finished and hung in the doorway!

If you recognize the ponytail as not being his, that is because I got holding the wood duty. Just like he won't ride in the car during her driving lessons, she doesn't want her hands holding for Wyatt's power tool learning!

Looks pretty straight so far!

Putting everything away for the night!

Well, I will share more tomorrow! Have a great night, and enjoy your family time.!

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