Fifteen years ago, Charlie, Bailey and I moved here to the current property. Shortly thereafter, we realized that Callie Jo needed a friend. We were still mulling it over when Bailey saw her opening. She was getting ready to turn two, and she asked for a dog to come join the family for her birthday.
We went down to the local shelter, and wandered the isles while her Daddy was away on a duty assignment. I was worried she would want them all. I knew I did! But she carefully walked the line, looking from side to side, gazing at the animals. Then we got to the last of the row. As she looked to the left, a single white paw extended through the bars, and Bailey stepped closer. Their eyes met, and she sat down.
After meeting Callie Jo, and going through a few hoops, Vegas came home the next day. According to the shelter, he was 3 to 4 years old. How could we have known that he would be terrified of men, noises, fly swatters, the training clickers, newspapers and more?
These photos were taken about four years later. By this time, Callie Jo and Vegas were great buddies, and Hopper Spark had joined the family, as well as Wyatt Clay. That is Vegas Ace on the left in the top right photo. He loved his Bailey, and his girl dogs. A mellow guy, the girls always got what they wanted. He never did learn how to play, but found his way into following the girls as they played.
As the years went by, Vegas was here when the goats came home. He tried to save Bailey's first goat Vital with Callie Jo when there was a dog attack by one we were watching for a friend. He was there as we nursed Vital back to health, and was there when we lost Callie Jo not long afterward.
Vegas helped raise Remington Pups when she came home, and taught her which humans belonged to which dogs, and how to have manners. He had a terrifying wandering habit in those years. On one occasion, two semis stopped and honked in the big road when he had figured out how to open the base of the West gate. The gate was quickly secured, but even now a honking semi on the big road leads to everyone counting dog noses.
As time went on, his muzzle turned grey, and he slowed down a bit. He had mostly let Remington take over his guard dog duty when she suddenly fell ill three Christmases ago. He calmly snuck out to realize what happened to her, and then followed me around for weeks, giving me love and attention as I mourned the animal who had actually been more mine than anyone else's. Through birthday parties and sleepovers, holidays and visits with family, his sweet yet quiet boy nudged his way into so many hearts.
Old Man Vegas began to wander more, but always had love for us, even if he didn't want to leave the property. His groomer came to him, even though he was old enough most groomers wouldn't have wanted to work with him, Denise came to him twice a year to make him comfortable, working around the growing tumors and quiet complaints of our sweet buddy who didn't look forward to haircuts, but still had a wag and a kiss for her.
Veglar, Vegie, Old Bear and more were his names, and Graybeard was there as Hopper grew sick with cancer, and later that year welcomed Shadow Paws into the family. As she grew into her role, he took longer naps and really enjoyed the mornings and evenings outside, with Shadow waiting for him on rounds and using her nose to help his stand when he stumbled.
The years slowed Bailey's buddy, but he sat with her and reminded her about unconditional love when the bullying made us reevaluate so many of the influences in the lives of the kids. Then he enjoyed the regular ear scratches and treats that came throughout the day from having home schooled kids.
In the last month, Vegas Ace's health decline became more apparent. Shadow and the kids worked harder to help him, and keep him happy and comfortable, making sure he didn't wander too long during the heat of the day. At about eighteen years old, we know we were so lucky to have Vegas as part of our lives. But that didn't make it any easier for us when we lost him late last night. With one last kiss to his Bailey and a nuzzle to me, he laid down his head and went to sleep. We know he had a great life here, with his own dog bed, doting girls, elk legs to chew on, elk to eat, his own fire hydrant and all the love to make whatever used to scare him melt away. We are sad for us because we loved him so much. We are so thankful for all we had with him.
Goodbye, Vegas. We will always have you in our hearts. Run fast with your girls up there.
Love to all.
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