Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sneaky Mama Hens are at it Again!

Thursday evening, I picked the kids up from a visit with their grandparents. Wyatt looked at me and said, "There is something I need to show you when we get home..."

Those two hens that had gotten around me and snuck out of their pen a few weeks back have been eating the spinach, kale and lettuce, as well as the cauliflower. I have been trying hard to thwart them, and the geese even let them eat at their food bowl, but we have not been able to catch them or keep them out of the veggies.

And now, they hatched another round of babies in the loft above the garden shed! 

Unlike the ones we intentionally hatch, these are barnyard mixes, from goofy Phoenix mamas and either Buckeye or Brahma fathers. Anyone want to guess?

This little one cannot face the camera and hid her head...

No, no, mama! I am not ready for a photo op!

The coloring looks a lot like a Phoenix baby, maybe the Buckeye mix on this one.

This tough mama hen does not want us near her babies!

Wyatt counted seven babies there, but hasn't been able to do anything about bringing them in the house, so we are putting food and water up there and hoping and checking on them. They might not be intentional babies, but they are sweet little creatures we will care for!

Boy, these animals love to keep us on our toes!

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