Friday, March 28, 2014

Could There Be Baby Goslings on the Way?

To be honest, I thought she wouldn't sit on them quite so quickly. Also, I was paying more attention to the pregnant goat, and thought I had another day to decide what to do with the poultry man, Wyatt.   Getting eggs from the geese was an outside hope, not something I was counting on, as they came here largely in a capacity as protectors and watchdogs to help Shadow with the owl and hawk problem. And they have been doing that job well, so I didn't feel as though they weren't earning their keep. 

Wyatt had wanted to eat one of the eggs. I thought that would be a good experiment, especially since we found the nest so quickly after she began laying them. (Hard to do sometimes with completely free-range animals.)  But then, as I was walking back from checking on the pregnant doe, debating with Bailey and starting hte hose to begin the watering, I saw the bright white which was the breast of the goose.

She'd begun sitting on them. They still take a little walk each day. Sometimes he guards her in her nest, or he guards her as they walk the farm, heading back to their feeder and play water, or taking a swim in Shadow Paws' pool.  Here they are trying to help me catch up on pruning the little lemon tree.

And here he is, telling Shadow that she isn't allowed in that area of the yard, as he has claimed it for his lady!

So now, with seven eggs under the goose, we wait to see whether they are going to bring us baby goslings. I can be happy either way, and if there are some babies, we will make some available for sale once they are old enough. (If there is something you are interested in, it never hurts to be on the waiting list for a call.)

Well, on to the next adventure! Have you had geese? What was your experience with them? And with hatching them?

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