Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Things I Learn While the Kids Are Away...

Right now, our elder child is away as a camp counselor for two months. She made it back here for 36 hours over the weekend, but really, she is gone for two months. Our younger child is responsible for most of the chickens, and one small group of the goats, but I am essentially taking over lots of responsibilities I used to share...

This had led to me learn a few things while she has been away...

1. My two goats really do poop more than all of the others put together. That wasn't an exaggeration. Lulu seems proud of that, but she is jealous of sharing me with the other goats while their caretaker is away,

2. The camouflage shade cloth makes the kidding pens look like a MASH unit. The goats all hoped it was real leaves, and had to try it. Then they tried it over and over again until I tied it WAY up to keep it out of their reach!

3. The boys really do knock their little house over as many times per day as you are willing to put it back up. She wasn't blowing me off when I asked her to pick it up.  Now, I believe they think it is funny since I fuss over them having the extra shade. Then when I go in to fix their messes, they dance and act neglected since their usual caretaker is away.

4. My geese really are as destructive as I thought. They are working extra hard to plow through the container garden. They trimmed the citrus trees, including some new trees that really didn't need it, ate three pots worth of mint- three times each- and the basil twice, not to mention a few other things!

5. Bailey's black Cochin hen has issues. At least she is finally letting the new little hens sleep on the same side of the house. But that little chickie has issues!  Very antisocial, that one.  New little ones are fine, not sure what to make of her, but fine.

6. Shadow gets lazy in the summer. She will sleep in from of the fan with the boys all day if allowed, then roll in the mud but still expect to come back in. Okay, that part really isn't new, but she used to get up and head outside with me at first light! At least she still takes guard duty seriously, I suppose.

What have you learned when you were required to go without your partner in crime?

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Growing Little Ones!

First off, I am sorry that I am just now realizing that I didn't post about this sooner! These precious little ones were born on May 30, 2015 (the first one hundred degree day of the year), to Lone Star South MsMcallie and Jaune Ranch Pygmies Powerstroke. As of this morning, they are 16 days old. The little buckling (more silver of the two) has been larger all along. Here is today's update on weight...

This morning, the silly little family HAD to have the fresh pellets, not the ones the knocked over last night. 

This is the little doeling i the weighing bucket. She is so sweet and loves to cuddle! 

I don't know why I cannot get this photo right side up, but weight today is 3 lbs 12 oz. Late last week she was 2 lbs 4 oz. So while she is markedly smaller than her brother, she is still growing.

And here is the little buckling. When they were last weighed, he was at 3 lbs 14 oz. 

This morning, here he is at 4 lbs 14 oz. Oh, goodness, he will be a big one!

We had been supplementing the little doeling with additional milk early on, when she was having trouble i the heat of the day. At this point, she hasn't wanted the extra milk, though we continue to offer it. Both little ones are eating some hay, and enjoying the crumbles from mama's hay pellets.

Such a treat watching them grow!