I have often posted about Jalympics. She was named in the name the chicken contest a couple years back by a member of Wyatt's class. She has been to petting zoos (one as the damsel on Knight Wyatt's arm and loves to sneak into the house or car to try to raid the groceries. Her favorite thing to steal is still rice cakes.
I have often caught her sneaking into the house, and occasionally she has a friend, like Golden Boy or Fly with her. On this occasion, she brought the flightiest of our hens with her- a Phoenix. The phoenix don't usually come into the house, and don't care for being carried around. But here she is sneaking into the kitchen.
Jalympics caught me get up with the camera to take a photo as I shooed her out, so she headed for the door, giving me that look over her shoulder to say, "You forgot to sit the rice cakes out for me, anyway." The Phoenix, on the other hand, headed for the window where the house plants are at the end of the kitchen and spooked, leaving me with another mees to clean up!
Nevertheless, the mess is cleaned up, and I tried again to remind Wyatt why we have screen doors. As I write this, Jalympics is standing on the hot tub just outside the window by the desk, giving me a lecture. The young golden phoenix rooster is standing on the front porch railing, crowing and trying to get her attention, and she talks back to him in response. I suppose we know who really runs this place!
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