Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What We've Been Up To...

We rather needed to circle our wagons and get things done the last week or so. So as the kids are returning to school, and I am preparing for the next semester of teaching and attending Pima, here is a little of what we have been up to...

Playing with growing baby goats while doing chores and teraining the older goats.

Enjoying watching them explore while I work in the greenhouse and on the garden and the kids clean pens...

Wyatt got to deliver his own eggs to the farmers market.  Usually I do this in between teaching classes at Pima...

Wyatt has been perfecting his smoothie making skill...

Wyatt and I attended a woorkshop for poultry.  It was fun, a great discussion on sustainable meat poultry and egg production, and a good 4H day, too.  Wyatt came home charged to redesign his breeding operations and expand his farming capacity.

Wyatt also worked heavily on his science fair project.

Jecks, Bailey's market goat for this year, was weighed in the house, and growing...

The babies went to be disbudded. Olympia was stoic, Fly By Night wanted to hide. But they are both doing great! Especially once mama Glory got them back!

Fly By Night rode back in Wyatt's lap.  They are turning into good friends.

Olympia cuddled down with Bailey for the ride home.

Jecks wasn't too into the car ride.  But on the scale she learned she was light, so maybe she was anxious to get back to her food bowl.  Or maybe she wanted to nestle on someone's lap, too!

And more poultry photos for Wyatt's documenting of this year's hatch.

All in all, we are still moving along.  Vegas and Hopper are trying hard to remember the working dog stuff they had passed on to Remington for so long.  Hopper is doing more of the gurad duty and walks outside on late night checks, Vegas is trying to help with the goats and keeping Bailey company since Hopper prefers the chickens.  One day at a time...  Now that the kids are in school, busy busy busy as we head toward hatching season, Prissy's kidding date, the spring garden, and Pima County Fair!

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