Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday thought on Health and Wellness...the country way...

We enjoyed a wonderful concert by Tracy Lawrence on Saturday night. In the one moment I stepped away with Bailey, he sang a funny song about pills and our nation’s use of them over taking good care of ourselves. He sang of pills to make you gain weight, pills to make you lose weight, and how if we would just get up off our rear ends and exercise we would need far fewer pills if any at all.

Charlie was still laughing when Bailey and I returned. He said I had to hear it because I am always talking about how exercise, and movement in general, makes such a difference in your physical and mental health and well-being. So I got on YouTube today to look for it. Some of it is a little off-color, but in general right on the mark.

How funny that a country singer would put together a song so right on the mark about society in general. Or maybe it isn’t funny at all. Common sense tends to govern the thoughts of the simpler life, where we get up and work and take responsibility. If you need a good laugh, take a look at the video, or just take a look at your own life. Could diet and exercise help your body care for itself?

I am not by any means advocating ignoring your doctor’s prescriptions or advice. But eating right and exercising, taking responsibility for our actions and exhibiting the common sense our parents tried to instill in us makes a tremendous difference in the health outcomes possible. So look at your own life. What did you eat today? What did you do to better your health? Is common sense winning out?

Just a thought for your Monday. I am enclosing the link, but watch it judiciously, like I said, a little off color in some parts. But right on point. Happy Monday!

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