Monday, April 19, 2010

Thank you to Mrs Endler's Class

To thank the many members of Mrs Endler's class who sent in names for the name the chicken contest, we had a fun morning with them last week. We looked at the shape of eggs, and discussed that their shape makes them stronger. We discussed the fact that if you squeeze equally from all sides, an egg will not break, and that if you hit two eggs together, the laws of physics provide that only one will crack.

When we experimented. We went outside and hit eggs together until only one egg had not cracked. And because we thought in advance and boiled the eggs (didn't think the principal would let me come back if they were covered in gooey raw egg after my visit), we had an egg toss with the eggs until they were open.

Then we decorated blown eggs. Everyone had their own creation. Then we gave prizes to the kids whose names were used. Some gave us more ideas. We had such fun! Thanks much to the class, and I hope you let me visit again!

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